Today's Tech news

1) Lufthansa to operate it's first fully 100% carbon neutral cargo flight.

         German's Lufthansa is set to operate it's first ever 💯% carbon neutral cargo flight. This first co2  neutral cargo flight is made possible by a cooperation between DB Schenker and Lufthansa cargo. The flight, which was performed by Boeing 777F aircraft departs from  Frankfurt to Shanghai under flight number LH8406, whose fuel requirements will be completely covered by sustainable Aviation fuel   (SAF ). This co2 neutral flight is full and full for climate protection. 
                 By using SAF,the fossil co2 emissions of a flight with conventional keresone are completely avoided.
2) world's largest offshore wind farm.

       Dogger Bank wind farm - UK , world's largest offshore wind farm, will use 190 GE, Haliade - X turbines. Financing deal worth $8 billion, and involves 29 banks, export credit institutions and government agencies. Funding for the third phase of project is expected to complete before the end of 2021. This three-phase project will include construction of  a total of 3.6 gigawatts( 1.2 GW per phase ) of capacity in North sea and will power 6 million UK homes when it's fully operational.

3) India's MQ-9B sky and sea guardian.

           India's has inducted two American  drones. One is sky guardian and another one is sea guardian. Sky guardian is the advanced version of  Reaper and manufactured by defence maker General atomics aeronautical and have a 40 hours endurance with the maximum altitude of 40,000 feet. It has also a payload capacity of 2.5 tons.Read more.....

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