
        Albert Einstein first predicted the existence of Black hole in 1916, with his general theory of relativity. Many years later, in 1967 black hole was coined by         American astronomer John wheeler. For a decades black holes being know only as theoretical, in 1971 the first ever discoverd physical Black hole was spotted.

 When and how the image was taken?
                     You can easily say that the first ever image was taken in 10 April 2019, but no...the Black hole image was published on this date. But the image was actually taken two years before. In April 2017, image was taken over for five days of observation using eight telescopes around the world by a collaboration known as Event horizon telescope. A galaxy called M87 , which is located 54 million light years away, those telescopes depicts the luminous  gas swirling around supermassive black hole at the centre of that galaxy. It took long two years for scientists to assemble the data and convert it to image.

What is black hole?
        It is a place in space where its gravitational pull is so much, that even light cannot escape from its pull. The reason for the strong gravitational pull is,matter has been squeezed into tiny space. This happens where the star is dying. 

How black holes form?
        Scientists think some black holes can be small as just one atom, but a mass of a large mountain. Another type of black hole is stellar. It's mass is about 20 times more than the mass of the sun. Stellar black holes are formed when the center of a very big star fall in upon itself.

          The center of the black hole is pitch black,the reason is light cannot escape from it's gravitational pull. But it also bends the light around it, which creates a circular shadow. 

What will happen if you enter the black hole?
     A black hole is the place where the laws of physics were break as we know. The outer most boundary is called Event horizon, the point at which counteracts the light's effort to escape from it.
 As you go deeper space becomes more and more curvy, at the center it becomes infinitely curved. If you fell  feet first, your legs would feel a stronger gravitational pull first, and then head. After that your body will be stretched apart. Stellar black holes can kill you before you enter the event horizon. Choose the supermassive Black hole which is million times stronger than our sun,where it's gravitational pull is equally on both legs and head. Density becomes infinite at the gravitational  singularity of the black hole which is at the center of the black hole. But these are only in theoretical ,no one will know what happens when we enter the black hole. If we able to enter in it we are not able to convey the message to other person.



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