In the end of 2020, Saturn and Jupiter are going to be aligned in same point on Dec 21. This time, they are going to be the closest ever after 800 long years, precisely 1226 AD the time when Genghis khan ruled many countries. The last time "Saturn and Jupiter" conjunction was happened in May 2000. The next conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter will happen in every 20 years.
The reason for this conjunction is, Jupiter's orbital period around the sun is approximately 12 years and Saturn's orbital period around the sun is approximately 30 years. As it travels around the sun Jupiter catches Saturn in regular 20 years time period.
From our point of view both Saturn and Jupiter nearly touching each other,but the distance between both the planets will be 735 million kms.
Where to watch the conjunction?
You can watch the conjunction on Dec 21 around 5 pm towards southwest horizon. For a naked-eye view they look like a single star.